Matt Hartman presents: Sales Strategy for a Brave New World
Blentech team member, Matt Hartman, did us proud last week as the FPSA’s Sales Strategy for a Brave New World’s panel moderator! This panel’s main focus was “How has your sales activities changed in the past 12 months based on external circumstances” and “Do not fear; inflation, supply chain, and demand will not evaporate overnight“, and there sure was A LOT to talk about.

When Blentech added AutoChef 2.0™ & ARTIS™ to our list of features in 2017, we knew it would be a game-changer, but we couldn’t have anticipated how it could help companies during a pandemic and severe inflation! Many companies had to lay off / send home factory employees when Covid-19 hit, which left their machines dormant. This was obviously a major problem, but didn’t have to be felt so harshly if they had AutoChef 2.0™ & ARTIS™ as they can automate operator tasks, automatically scale recipes, maintain consistency, enable remote workers, and more! Still feeling the effects of inflation, supply chain shortages, and labor shortages? Click here to read more about Blentech’s AutoChef 2.0™ & ARTIS™ capabilities or contact us for an automation demo!