IFT 2020 now – SHIFT20
Please join us for an exciting virtual conference next week, July 13-15, 2020, at SHIFT20! While we wish we could have visited with everyone in person, we have virtual events planned. Visit Blentech’s virtual booth and discover how Blentech can help you with your application.
Our team of engineers and food scientists are ready to answer questions about your specific application in one-on-on video connections on our virtual booth.
![Akhilesh Pandey](https://blentech.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/akhilesh-pandey@2x.jpg)
Akhilesh Pandey – Senior Group Manager – Sales and Service
Ib Elandaloussi – Sales Engineer
![Shannon McLarty](https://blentech.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/shannon-mclarty@2x.jpg)
Shannon McLarty – Assistant Manager of Testing and Trials
Please take a look at some of our scheduled events:
Who is Blentech?
Monday, July 13, 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM CT
Learn more about Blentech and our technologies.
Location: https://zoom.us/j/98338711540
Solutions to Challenges in Analog and Processed Cheese Manufacturing
Tuesday, July 14, 1:30 PM – 2:20 PM CT
Learn more about key challenges in production of analog
and processed cheese.
Location: https://zoom.us/j/98338711540
Thermal Processing of Slurries with
Indirect Heating and Cooling Systems
Wednesday, July 15 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM CT
Learn more about horizontal thermal processing for
your food applications.
Location: https://zoom.us/j/98338711540
Interested in learning more about IoT and automation in food manufacturing?
Check out these topics by watching one of our pre-recorded sessions.
“Implications of IoT Technologies for the Food Industry”
Our CEO, Dan Voit, will be sharing about what IoT technologies are capable of and how they affect food industry. His talk will focus on (a) the fundamentals of an IoT system, (b) common progression or growth of an IoT system taking technologies from information collected through growth into predictive or even prescriptive systems, and (c) practical examples of data science skills needed to leverage this new foundation of data.
“Fundamentals of Automation for Food Scientists and Engineers”
Our Chief Digital Officer, Keith Weerts, will be presenting about opportunities to improve education for food scientists and food engineers based on observations during cutting-edge technology deployment in food production facilities around the world. Specific topics will include basics of sensor technology, digital communication protocols, automation/network architecture, and control system fundamentals.
If you have any questions about these events please reach out to our sales engineer Ib Elandaloussi ielandaloussi@blentech.com.
Have questions about your application? Visit us during show hours or send us a message. Check out the rest of our website to discover more about our Blentech Innovation Center, remote services we offer, our advanced automation, engineering services and the applications we serve.
We look forward to connecting with you on our virtual booth for SHIFT20 so you can discover how Blentech can help you with your application.
See you at the show!