Better Together
Last Friday, our greater Blentech team came together for a “virtual lunch break”. Most days of the week, many of us gather in our break areas around the office to eat lunch together. Or stop by an office to share a coffee and just check in. It’s important for us all to make the time – now more than ever – to connect with each other. We have a unique company culture in that we truly feel like Blentech is a family. Some of us have been with Blentech for 30+ years. Many have spent large parts of their career here. Others, a handful of years. For all of us, we believe we are a part of something pretty special. Blentech’s culture of collaboration and teamwork is something that binds us together unlike any work environment many of us have ever experienced before. The projects we work on together mean something more than just work to us. So when distance separates us, we have to calibrate our collaboration tools a little differently. And last week, we all felt it was blossoming in ways we could have never imagined.

One of our primary goals is to create solutions our customers can use to stay close to their operations, “even at a distance”. And last week, we found that we are especially good at living that idea as well.
From our Blentech family to yours, stay safe, healthy and take care of one another. We are here when you need us.